2. Mesh Mashup: Concept Generation
1. Donut vinyl Imagine how sweet it would be if we can actually play a donut, it would definitely a very sweet song :) Remix: Donut Vinyl record player 2. Fingerfries I think this could be a perfect decoration for Halloween. It is so disgusting that you use your fingers to grab a fries in finger style. Remix: Splash Finger Fries Box Hand 1 Hand 2 3. Monster Lipstick I was thinking what if a lipstick become alive. I think they would revenge lol, as people used up their lifetime. Mouth Lipstick 4. Swimming At Cup Noodle I like to eat cup noodle. So I made this XXXL size cup noodle that I can dive into it. cup noodle water splash unicorn tube swimming person 5. Lionbunny I think it is so cute to combine the predator and the prey. ...